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Articles Related to Environment & Regulatory
The Importance of Understanding your Privacy Obligations as a Business Owner and Employer
If you’re a business owner, of any size, it is more than likely you hold private information on file. This private information may be in relation to client and customer details or held on staff files. This article serves as a friendly reminder for all business owners to ensure they are complying with the Privacy Act 2020 (“the Privacy Act”) and minimising any risk of a privacy breach.
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Guidance for Employers and Employees During the Resignation Process
After watching Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern step down from her role as Prime Minister in January, we considered it an appropriate time to provide some guidance to both employees and employers about the resignation process in New Zealand.
Resignation is a process where an employee voluntarily terminates their employment agreement with their employer. While resignations are a common and relatively straightforward process across New Zealand workplaces, there are some important considerations that both employees and employers should take into account.
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Lease Renewals – Not as simple as you might think…
A right of renewal provides a commercial tenant with the option to enter into a new lease with a landlord when the current lease expires. If a tenant fails to give notice of intention to renew the lease, the risks can be significant. This was the situation in the recent High Court case of Storageone Kapiti (2012) Ltd v Sharja Ltd.
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Practical Ways of Recovering a Debt: Letters of Demand
From time to time you may need to take formal steps to recover a debt owed to you in the course of providing your services.
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Recent US Court case Zuru v Glassdoor serves as wake up call for New Zealand Employers
The California-based website Glassdoor Incorporated (“Glassdoor”) recently lost a case brought against it by New Zealand-based company ZURU Toys New Zealand Limited (“Zuru”). Personal information surrounding anonymous reviews must now be released from Glassdoor to Zuru to allow them to pursue a defamation claim against suspected present and past employees who expressed their resentment of the company online.
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Is it workplace ‘banter’ or simply harassment?
A recent decision from the Employment Relations Authority (Authority), AKD v Clarence Street Warehouse Limited [2022] NZERA 255, has addressed the risks employers may face when ‘boys club’ work environments cross the threshold from workplace banter into sexual harassment.
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Supreme Court confirms mining legislation no longer gets the “special treatment”
The recent Supreme Court case of Rangitira Developments Limited v Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated [2020] NZSC 66 has clarified the legal position regarding the relationship between the Reserves Act and other relevant legislation.
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